Friday, September 30, 2011

Tamagawa Under the Bridge

I had my first quiz today in my Japanese class. It went okay, I think. I got to class 45 min early so that I could study. Since no one was there, I decided to take pictures.
 My Japanese classroom on Fridays (it changes each class). This is in Mita campus' oldest building (First School Building: Foreign language school) so the classroom is kind of old fashioned too.

During break time, my Japanese level 7 teacher, Watanabe sensei, spoke to me about my schedule a little bit. I received my composition that was due on Wednesday back and I got my first A! She was pretty impressed that I did such a good job considering that I hadn't ever done a composition before. I guess I'm just good at composition despite the language, because I'm good at Spanish composition too.

My final schedule is the following:
MON: 9~10:30, 10:45~12:15 Japanese level 7
TUES: none
WED: 9~10:30, 10:45~12:15 Japanese level 7
1~2:30 Intermediate Convo B I [Polite conversation]
2:45~4:15 Intermediate grammar I
THURS: 4:30~6:00 Intermediate Composition II
6:10~7:40 Art workshop
FRI: 9~10:30, 10:45~12:15 Japanese level 7
1:00~2:30 Intermediate Conversation A II [Daily conversation]

I think I'll be ok with this. Plus, it's exactly 12 credits.

After class, I stopped by Tamagawa on a whim. I took lots of pictures. It's a really small residential area, so I doubt many foreigners pass through. I must have stood out.
 A cafe on the way from the station to the river. I thought the name was funny.
 A cross roads. There are lots of these in Japan. The train passes through the street. I guess it's a lot like the crossing in Rockville.
 Tamagawa bridge that crosses the river
 The train crossing the river
 People fishing
 A few people sit along the sloping stairs. There were even a few businessmen putting their feet in the river.
 The path along Tamagawa bridge
There were lots of homeless people there, but they don't bother anyone and they keep mostly to themselves. This is probably one of their houses.
 View from the bridge: boys practicing lacross
 These were really cute. Stone turtles all lined in a row.
 Stone turtle close up
 There was a kindergarten group having relay races. They were so cute cheering each other on as they ran. I watched them as I ate my dinner...
Nikuman--meat bun. Today I wasn't so hungry for dinner. I just felt like a warm fluffy bun. You can pick them up at the convenience store for 105yen...and there's a convenience store EVERYWHERE.

My excursion to Tamagawa was nice and really helped me relax a little when I have so much on my mind right now. I expected more people in the park today, but oh well.

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