Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Shopping, shopping♪

I'm sorry I sounded so stressed out yesterday! Today, I decided to take a break from studying and go to Shibuya for some shopping. I was originally looking for just hair accessories, but I found everything but...

First, I went to this place called Book Off that has pretty much everything--video games, cds, dvds, books, and clothes all at low prices. The clothes are all second hand so they're the cheapest you can get in Tokyo probably.
From left to right: A Liz Lisa dress for about 900yen. I've heard that Liz Lisa is a really well known designer so I think this was a bargain!; A black dress for 500yen; A pink top for 600yen. I especially liked the belt it came with and thought I could use it with other outfits as well.
Then, I went up to the DVD and book section and found...
On the left is the DVD "Hanamizuki". Apparently, it was the 12th highest grossing film of 2010. I've wanted to see it for a very long time, so I'm so happy that I found it!♪ It has some actors that I really like a lot, including Aragaki Yui, Ikuta Toma, and Mukai Osamu. I'm excited to watch it sometime on one of my days off! On the right is the novel "In the Miso Soup" by Murakami Ryu. I like the author a lot. He has a really sarcastic and amusing style. I read the first page and liked it right away. Plus, it was only 200yen~ One of these days, I want to stop at this place called Tamagawa, which has lots of fields where people go to play sports, a trail to walk on, and a large river where people go fishing. It looks like something out of a "seishun" (youthful) manga so I thought I'd go there to take a walk and perhaps sit by the river and read this book♪

My last shopping spot was this place called Mandarake. According to the signs, it's the biggest manga and anime shop in all of Japan. To get to the actual shop, you have to go down these really sketchy looking stairs so I was kind of freaked out at first, but fortunately, it's a normal store once you get to the bottom...Well, if you can call a store packed full of shelves of comics, doujinshi (fan comics), figures, anime dvds, video games, and cds normal. I...was so excited to find these two doujinshi:
I love both of these artists and follow them on pixiv (a Japanese art site). These are fan comics of my favorite date sim game: Tokimeki Memorial! Haha I feel like such a nerd...but it's ok cuz I've already learned some new vocabulary from reading these. It's not all fun and games, k. 
After all that shopping, I was hungry, but it was pouring so I just stopped by the nearest cafe I could find.
Osaka mixed juice with a cinnamon raisin bread. The Osaka mixed juice tasted like a banana smoothie. I don't know what was so mixed juice about it but that's alright. It was delicious~

I start school tomorrow! I'm not sure how classes work, but I think you're supposed to just go to classes that you want the first week and then you hand in the official registration form later. Tomorrow, I have Level 7 Japanese from 9-12:15. Then, Intermediate Conversation B1(formal convo) from 1-2:30 and Intermediate Composition 1 from 2:45-4:15. Those two classes will probably be okay level-wise. I chose level 1 for both of them, because I don't think I could do more than that yet haha... Anyways, wish me luck!


  1. The cover of that novel looks so intense haha.
    Good luck in your first week of classes Kenia!



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