Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Short trip to Jiyuugaoka

Today, I received my alien registration card so I'm legally allowed to live in Japan~ Then, afterwards, I went to Jiyuugaoka to look around. There were lots of cute shops with TONS of strawberry stuff that I was really tempted to buy but then I didn't really need one really needs them unless they have a house of their own I guess...maybe.
For lunch, I stopped in an udon restaurant and had the specialty curry udon. My first time trying udon in Japan. It was a bit spicy and very hot but very yummy and even less expensive than the dinner I had yesterday: 680yen.
 I also took a picture of the front box of the restaurant. Most restaurants in Japan have a glass window full of wax models of the types of food they'll serve. That way, people can look into the window, see if there's something they like and know what they want right away. I think it's actually kind of a good strategy. They look really pretty and real too. I'm actually gonna make a food wax model like this in my art class!
Finally, I just finished my first art project--a self portrait, so I thought I'd upload a picture of how it looks like. It...doesn't really look like me but it doesn't have to. It's the spirit behind it that counts. -nods-
Okay...I'm going to study a bit and then go to sleep. I have my first test tomorrow in Japanese~~~


  1. Hi Kenia. It was interesting to see the store fronts and the neighborhood scenes, the bridge with the fisherman and the businessmen was interesting. the shacks with homeless ones was sad. It makes me wonder what happened to them in their lives for them to have to live like that. Keep writing, keep speaking and keep sending pics. I LOVE YOU mom


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