Sunday, September 18, 2011

"M" desu.

Lately, I've heard lots of talk of whether someone is "S" (as in sadistic) or "M" (as in masochistic). Stephanie says that she's definitely "S"; one of the Japanese guys told a German guy that he was probably "M" and the German guy said all proudly "Oh! 'M' desu!"--to which I almost laughed out loud. I don't think a guy should proudly say that haha... As for me, I already know that I am "M", because I constantly put myself down.

Today, we had a welcome party at my dorm. At the beginning, it was okay. I talked to Naito-san (the guy I met the first day at the dorm) a bit and I was happy that he remembered me! We then split up into teams by floor and we each made a dish. My floor (4th floor) made Napolitan (pasta with green peppers, onions, sausage, and a tomato-ketchup sauce). It had a really strange flavor, though...I didn't really like it. Here are some pictures:
Piles of sausages

Making pasta

Pouring onto the plate

The other floors made yakisoba (fried soba noodles with vegetables) and okonamiyaki (a vegetable pancake-like dish). Then, at the party, I found Yusho and we got to talk a little, which was nice. Then, I followed Stephanie around. And thus made some friends kinda sorta...I did get some pictures:

 This is Rina, Stephanie (finally a picture with her!), and me. Rina spent 5 years in Australia and 1 year in Canada when she was young, so she can speak some English. She had huge, dark false eyelashes that made her eyes look humongous. You can't tell from the picture, though.
Left to right: Alex, Yusho, Kim, Stephanie, and me.

Being with Stephanie is nice. I meet lots of people that way. But on the other hand, I am completely outshined by her. She speaks so fast that I can't keep up at all. I am forced to do nothing but smile and listen. We met lots of Koreans today that were born here so they're completely fluent in Japanese. Since Stephanie can speak some Korean, she spoke with them and they were like "Wow! You're amazing!" And I was pretty much thrust into the shadows. After a while, I was completely blocked off from the circle, so having no one to talk to, I decided to come home.

And thus, I am "M" haha. My speaking skills are pretty much horiffic at the moment. I'm focusing on speaking this semester by taking two conversation classes--one formal speech, one informal speech--and joining two conversation clubs (PLURIO and KOSMIC) so by January, I hope to be 500 times better than I am now! Is that expectation okay? haha Anyways, I really wanna try my best. 

1 comment:

  1. Kenia, you are toio caring to be sadistic and too intelligent to be masochistic. Palabra de Daddy, palabra de Samurai.


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