Friday, September 9, 2011

Eigo wa mou korigori desu

Yesterday, I got home so tired that I went straight to bed.

My breakfast. Anpan--red bean filled bun.

Then, I went with a German girl, Eilika, and Italian guy, Alesandro, I hung out in Shibuya with the previous day to pick up our bank books.

After life and housing orientation, I had lunch in the with some Australian girls: Stephanie, Gale, and Sarah.
My lunch. Soba kake--Soba noodles in a dashi broth with onions on top.

Then, I went to Shibuya with Eilika and Gale. With the train pass I purchased, I can go to Shibuya as much as I want pretty much for free. In Shibuya, we met up with this group of international students from Keio that was being led by the RAs from Plum IS dorm, Yusho and Shota. Since Eilika and Gale had to get phones, we went along with them. Then, Yusho took us around Shibuya some and we went into Shibuya 109. Inside it's clothes, clothes, cute accessories, cute food, and more clothes. I felt so under dressed cuz all of the girls in there shopping and selling are soo fashionably dressed. I was a bit envious of them at first cuz they were so cute and stylish but then it just started to make me sick. Most of them were TOO decorated and TOO dressed up so that they looked like dolls...just too fake. I don't want to be like that. I also felt bad for their boyfriends that some of them were pulling around. Of course, I do want to buy at least something from there like a cute dress or something before I leave Japan though...

After a bunch of waiting around for other people, Yusho invited a group of the international students to an Izakaya (kind of like a lounge-bar thing) for drinks and dinner. The food was soo delicious. It came on lots of plates and I wanted to try a little of everything. Karaage (Japanese fried chicken) is soo good. A lot better than the American equivilant. There was also natto with tuna, cabbage salad, daikon salad, lots of different vegetables, wasabi octopus, spicy fried gobo root, ochazuke (I have a picture later), and yuzu ice cream.

This was my finished plate and an umeshu (plum wine). The umeshu was delicious. Really sweet but also very alcoholic.
This is ochazuke. It's like rice in a slightly bitter broth with onions and lettuce. I'd heard of it but I had never tried it before. I was so full by the time this came out but I tried a little bit of it anyways.

Yusho was really nice to take us there and it was a really cool experience, but I hated that, except for Yusho, it was all international students who couldn't speak Japanese. Thus, I was stuck speaking English the whole time unless I was speaking to Yusho. Also, the American in our group really bugged me. He was too American. Too party. Too loud. These international students seem to have come to Japan to party and that's not why I'm here at all. It's really frustrating to be in Japan and not speak Japanese. I want to only speak Japanese, but then, I can't be sociable with other people who want to be sociable w/ me. This is so frustrating..."Eigo wa mou korigori desu"--(I'm sick of English). Partying in Japan is not what I want to do here. Those kind of people are not enough for me, and I hate it.

1 comment:

  1. I feel for you Kenia :/ I understand that the international students wouldn't necessarily be fluent in Japanese, but it's definitely sad they wouldn't want to try to adapt to a new exciting culture and surroundings while they're there



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