Monday, September 19, 2011

And classes haven't even started yet...

Today I spent the whole day in my room watching dramas for listening practice, playing my game for speaking practice, and of course doing homework for my Japanese class. I probably spent more time on it than was necessary, but I feel that if I don't make all these vocabulary lists and careful notes, I won't be able to improve to my fullest. I already feel like I am behind most people and I have a terrible memory, so I have to work harder than other people.

I've only ever had beginner textbooks so this textbook is my first real Japanese textbook. No matter how hard it may be, I'm really looking forward to starting classes to be able to immerse myself in Japanese and also get a regular schedule going. I feel too lazy right now haha. My classes don't start until Wednesday so I think I'll go shopping in Shibuya tomorrow and do some studying at a cafe to get out of my room for a change.

1 comment:

  1. You sound a bit stressed xD dont worry though, you'll do fine!



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