Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Please, don't speak English

Today was kind of a stressful day as I had to deal with a bunch of bureaucracy...

First, I needed cash and it seemed that my card wasn't being accepted at the atms. So, I tried Yokohama Bank to see if they could help me. The lady started talking to me and explaining how they didn't accept my card at their bank--in a very friendly way of course. I understood everything she said, but when it came to explaining my situation, I have a lot of problems talking so she was like don't worry I'll call someone over who can speak English. So, this new lady tries to explain the exact same thing in very bad English and I'm like "Umm I understood all that the first time. I can understand Japanese k, I just have trouble speaking." And they're like "oh ok that makes things easier" and they both try to help me in Japanese. They suggested I go to CitiBank, but that was all the way at Yokohama station. I didn't wanna go all the way there to just get cash. So...after some talking with my parents, I tried the atms again putting my card in a different way (um yeah the problem was that I was putting the card in the wrong way don't laugh T_T). After that, I tried taking out some money and I got a reciept but not any cash. So I had to use the phone on the atm to call for help. I used the option for English, but the guy's English was so bad, I decided to speak in Japanese instead and he helped me deal with my problem. Sigh...

Then, I went to a booth on the street to get some photographs taken and then took the train to Okurayama to register myself as a foreign person at the ward office. Along the way, two OBAACHANS (older ladies) helped me find my way. When you need directions, OBAACHANS are the ones to ask. They're super nice.

At the ward office, I had to fill out lots of form stuff and had to wait a lot and I have to go back Sept 28 to pick up my ID cards.

Anyways, for those who don't wanna read all my ranting, I have pictures that I took in the ward office bathroom haha. This is what public western style toilets tend to have:

I thought this was kind of cute...While you go to the bathroom, you can put your baby in this seat lol

 "We would appreciate it if you would not take toilet paper with you as you leave." Apparently there are problems with people stealing toilet paper...
Toilet settings: Stop, shower (scared to try), bidet (no thanks), flushing sound (I had heard about this and had to try it...It's a funny mechanical sound of a toilet flushing used to hide the sound of peeing...I would say the flushing sound is more embarrassing though...)

I got home around 2, had a salad from the convenient store for lunch and was so tired that I crashed at 3pm...of course I wake up at midnight as a result. (My sleep schedule is way off T_T) 

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if that sign asking people not to steal toilet paper really stops anyone? I just can't picture someone, in the act of stealing toilet paper, coming across that sign only to realize, "oh! they would appreciate it if I don't take their toilet paper! I didn't think of it that way :| "

    Also, what is bidet exactly? Google just told me it was a French word meaning pony



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