Sunday, February 12, 2012

Looking at Tokyo from above

Yesterday, I went to Nakameguro and went up this tall building. This was the view from the top:
 Somehow, this scene was so much more magical than the view from Tokyo Tower. Everything looks so tiny so it's like a view from a game or something. It's such a crowded city, and yet the way that it just expands endlessly into the distance is breathtaking. I was told that it is even prettier at night. I stayed long enough to see the sunset.

Like all holidays, Japanese people love Valentine's day and it's being advertized like crazy here. And thus, I had to follow Japanese 'tradition' and make handmade chocolates. Well, I make Valentine treats for my friends every year, but this year, my work came out especially good, I think!

These are truffles. Two of them are coated in cocoa and two of them are coated in powdered sugar. I found the recipe in a magazine and it was super easy! I could make these every year haha. Plus, it was super fun to reach out to my feminine side and cook of course.


  1. Howdy Kenia :D
    I really like the picture you posted, and it's really true what you say. It's amazing how whenever you look into the distance from high up on a building, or even in a plane, or at sea, you feel like you can see into infinity. In reality though, what you see is so small and insignificant and there is always far more nature, buildings, ocean etc just above the horizon line that you may never see. It's really mind blowing to me because a view like that both gives you a feel for how big the world is, but also how small the world is at the same time. You can see how short the distance is between two major buildings in the city are, and that might be someones morning 20 minute walk/commute, yet, from a high building it all seems so small. (/rant)

    I also really think the truffles are cool xD you have some lucky friends :D

    Have a great Valentines day!

  2. Hi K! The truffles look perfect! The view is awesome! Breathe and enjoy! lots of love on Valentine's day.:)

  3. El otro anonimo es tu mama-san. Este anonimo soy yo y estoy de acuerdo: los chocolates parecen perfectos. Otra cosa: si te llevan al top of the world y te quedas hasta el atardecer: es muy romantico!Gracias por el articulo y las fotos.
    Un beso muy fuerte

  4. Kenia, espero que estes bien. Te quiero mucho.


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