Monday, February 27, 2012

A dream

Last night, I dreamed that I was living in this beautiful house surrounded by hundreds of huge, vibrant flowers. For some reason, my room was outside on a balcony and it was so warm and lovely.
But, as soon as I brought mother over to show her the beautiful flowers, the sky got dark and it started raining. Before I knew it, my room was being swept over by huge tidal waves. I tried to save as much as I could, but it was really scary.

And so, thinking that this dream probably had some sort of meaning of some sort, I looked it up this morning.

Apparently, tidal waves appear in dreams when one is under a lot of pressure or when significant change is occurring. It may be a an indication that I feel a little overwhelmed, that maybe I fear I won’t be able to cope or adjust with what I see in my own future. Often when one has these sort of dreams there is an area of life that we are not looking at clearly, or that we are avoiding. Tidal wave dreams remind us that if we don’t confront and deal with things that are out of balance in our life, then they will confront us first.

The things that I'm not confronting may be a test I'm afraid of failing, a deadline I feel I won’t be able to meet, or a location or job move I don’t feel ready for. Tidal wave dreams may come because I'm procrastinating (lol), or simply don’t feel prepared. Or as water relates to our emotions, tidal wave dreams can come at the beginning of new relationships. We may even feel overwhelmed at how much we feel for someone.

But tidal wave dreams, like most dreams, often work on many levels. Whether external pressures are dominant in our life or not, tidal wave dreams will often indicate a period of internal change.

So, in other words, I'm experiencing fear of something that's looming in the future--I guess that's true. I'm trying to cram as much as I can before March 27th which is the day of the Placement Test for next semester. My goal is to jump from level 7 to level 10! Haha, it may be somewhat ambitious, so I definitely feel somewhat overwhelmed, but I will do my best! Hopefully, this coming month will be a period of lots of internal change!


  1. Hey Kenia,
    It also seems to me like the dream could reflect pride in your accomplishments, but anxiety that others won't feel the same way. The dream is also reminder that so many things in life can fall apart in the blink of an eye, and the tidal wave of course symbolizes severe changes or something.
    What you wrote is probably right especially if you feel a lot of stress and pressure in your life. If that's the case I wish I could give you a pro tip but I'm struggling with the same anxiety for my future (and present). I wish you the best of luck on your placement test. Take a deep breath and remember everything you learned. I'm sure you'll do great :)


  2. Estoy de acuerdo con lo que escribio Jonathan. Por otro lado, soñar es muy saludable, aunque a veces da miedo. Recordar el sueño y ser capaz de hablar sobre el con la sabiduria y capacidad de analisis que tu tienes, quiere decir que todavia no te has vuelto loca y que no hay ola gigante que te vaya a tragar (por el momento). Como dicen los chinos (perdon):los largos viajes se hacen con pasos pequeños. Con tus piececitos, estoy seguro que vas a llegar muy lejos. Pero solo te daras cuenta cuando mires atras. Por ahora, sigue lamentandote (como buena gallega) de lo pequeños que son tus pasitos. Mientras, quienes te vemos y te queremos seguiremos, orgullosos, viendote y queriendote.

  3. I miss reading you, Kenia. I have a quote for you today: "If you put a small value upon yourself, rest assured that the world will not raise your price". Seguro que esto no lo escribio un japones y estoy seguro tambien de que tu eres carisima. te quiero.


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